Safer's Trounce Yard & Garden Concentrate
• Highly effective, natural insecticide
• Provides broad spectrum control of many insects including aphids, whitefly, caterpillars and selected beetles• Unique formulation of naturally derived fatty acids and pyrethrum
Please note: Yard & Garden and Lawn & Turf is the same product. It is packaged differently for different markets, but the ingredients are exactly the same. IncrediGrow stocks whichever variant is available in order to keep stock levels as high as possible.
DIRECTIONS FOR MIXING: Add 50 mL of Safer’s TROUNCE® concentrate to 1 litre of water. Stir thoroughly.
Indoor Use: Controls aphids, whitefly, scale, spider mites and mealybugs indoors on houseplants and greenhouse plantings: spray insects to wet when they first appear. Repeat 10-14 days later if necessary.
Outdoor Use: Controls aphids, caterpillars, leafhoppers, earwigs, beetles, whitefly and chinch bug on fruit trees, landscape trees, ornamentals, flowers, shrubs, vegetables and chinch bug on turf: Spray insects to wet when they first appear. Thorough coverage is essential for effective control. Repeat 10-14 days later if necessary. May be used on edible crops up to the day of harvest. Wash fruits and vegetables before using.
Caterpillars are a huge problem in Alberta! They can defoliate trees and destroy your garden in a matter of days. Even though you may not see the caterpillars themselves, evidence can be found in the form of droppings and foliar damage.
Cabbage worms are green and like to hide on the underside of leaves. They especially like to prey on leafy greens like lettuce, kale and cabbage, and have been known to destroy young cauliflower plants before they have a chance to flower. It is important that you identify a cabbage worm infestation immediately.
There are two main varieties of tent caterpillar currently found in Alberta:
Forest tent caterpillars, the blue variety of tent caterpillar, defoliated 4.8 million hectares of Canadian forest in 2015.
If you find an actual tent in a tree, that tent is most likely to belong to the Eastern tent caterpillar, which are black and orange. These caterpillars cause less damage than the forest tent caterpillar, but are unsightly.
LDD moths are often confused with tent caterpillars. They are considered an invasive species and a very serious pest and steps should be taken to eliminate them as soon as they're spotted.
SKU: TRO190-6478
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